Looking for love? Ditch the dating apps and get a pet.
It is an established fact that having a pet makes you happier, with the new research confirming that 55% of pet owners are extremely happy with their life. Having a pet also improves the quality of relationships too – with over half (55%) of pet owners saying they are very satisfied with their love life and 41% saying their pet had brought them closer to their partner.
The research has shown a distinct difference between North and South. Northern pet owners seem to be much friendlier with 44% starting a positive conversation whilst out and about with a pet, while only 25% of Londoners do the same. But lack of space in London may be affecting some people’s ability to own a larger and more social pet, and their chances of meeting a new partner – dogs were most popular in the northern parts of the country (67%), with more space to exercise them, whilst less social animals like cats were the pets of choice in London (51%).
Gemma Sonfield, Head of Pet Insurance at comparethemarket.com explains: “As a nation of pet lovers, many of us will be familiar with the list of benefits they bring to our everyday lives. These results just go to show how pets can help break down those social barriers and anxiety that some people suffer from. Pets are a great way to push us out of our comfort zone, expand our social circles and generally make us feel happier in life.”
Full findings can be found at comparethemarket.com.
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